# WackAttack.eu Source and configuration for our public-facing website. ## Structure This is is a fairly standard Hugo-site, as described in [their docs](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/directory-structure/) The most important files to edit: - `content/` - `_index.md`: Front page - `writeups/pwn/bof.md`: Writeup for the challenge "bof" in the "pwn" category - `config.toml`: Main config - Themes, menu links, etc. - `static/`: Files published directly, like logos, js and css - `layouts/`: Override HTML from the theme, custom partials, etc. ## Running in development 1. Clone the repository *with submodules* - `git clone --recursive git@github.com:felixalbrigtsen/wackattack-www.git` 1. [Install hugo](https://gohugo.io/installation/linux/) 1. Edit files as you choose - To make new pages, either use the CLI tool (`hugo new content writeups/pwn/bof`) or copy an existing one 1. Run dev server `hugo serve -D` (This also includes pages marked as draft) 1. Test that the site looks OK - Light mode - Dark mode - Mobile 1. Commit and push 1. The changes will be pushed to production automatically when merged into `main` ## Deployment The site is hosted on GitHub Pages, and will automatically update whenever something is pushed or merged into the main branch.