mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 08:34:54 +01:00
bekkalokk/gitea/import-users: refactor + add members to groups
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ in
preStart=''${pkgs.rsync}/bin/rsync -e "${pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/ssh-known-hosts -i $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/sshkey" -a pvv@smtp.pvv.ntnu.no:/etc/passwd /tmp/passwd-import'';
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = pkgs.writers.writePython3 "gitea-import-users" {
flakeIgnore = [
"E501" # Line over 80 chars lol
libraries = with pkgs.python3Packages; [ requests ];
} (builtins.readFile ./gitea-import-users.py);
@ -2,18 +2,92 @@ import requests
import secrets
import os
if EMAIL_DOMAIN is None:
EMAIL_DOMAIN = 'pvv.ntnu.no'
API_TOKEN = os.getenv('API_TOKEN')
if API_TOKEN is None:
raise Exception('API_TOKEN not set')
if GITEA_API_URL is None:
GITEA_API_URL = 'https://git.pvv.ntnu.no/api/v1'
def gitea_list_all_users() -> dict[str, dict[str, any]] | None:
r = requests.get(
GITEA_API_URL + '/admin/users',
headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + API_TOKEN}
if r.status_code != 200:
print('Failed to get users:', r.text)
return None
return {user['login']: user for user in r.json()}
def gitea_create_user(username: str, userdata: dict[str, any]) -> bool:
r = requests.post(
GITEA_API_URL + '/admin/users',
headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + API_TOKEN},
if r.status_code != 201:
print(f'ERR: Failed to create user {username}:', r.text)
return False
return True
def gitea_edit_user(username: str, userdata: dict[str, any]) -> bool:
r = requests.patch(
GITEA_API_URL + f'/admin/users/{username}',
headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + API_TOKEN},
if r.status_code != 200:
print(f'ERR: Failed to update user {username}:', r.text)
return False
return True
def gitea_list_teams_for_organization(org: str) -> dict[str, any] | None:
r = requests.get(
GITEA_API_URL + f'/orgs/{org}/teams',
headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + API_TOKEN},
if r.status_code != 200:
print(f"ERR: Failed to list teams for {org}:", r.text)
return None
return {team['name']: team for team in r.json()}
def gitea_add_user_to_organization_team(username: str, team_id: int) -> bool:
r = requests.put(
GITEA_API_URL + f'/teams/{team_id}/members/{username}',
headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + API_TOKEN},
if r.status_code != 204:
print(f'ERR: Failed to add user {username} to org team {team_id}:', r.text)
return False
return True
# If a passwd user has one of the following shells,
# it is most likely not a PVV user, but rather a system user.
# Users with these shells should thus be ignored.
@ -22,59 +96,11 @@ BANNED_SHELLS = [
existing_users = {}
# This function should only ever be called when adding users
# from the passwd file
def add_user(username, name):
user = {
"full_name": name,
"username": username,
"login_name": username,
"source_id": 1, # 1 = SMTP
if username not in existing_users:
user["password"] = secrets.token_urlsafe(32)
user["must_change_password"] = False
user["visibility"] = "private"
user["email"] = username + '@' + EMAIL_DOMAIN
r = requests.post(GITEA_API_URL + '/admin/users', json=user,
headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + API_TOKEN})
if r.status_code != 201:
print('ERR: Failed to create user ' + username + ': ' + r.text)
print('Created user ' + username)
existing_users[username] = user
user["visibility"] = existing_users[username]["visibility"]
r = requests.patch(GITEA_API_URL + f'/admin/users/{username}',
headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + API_TOKEN})
if r.status_code != 200:
print('ERR: Failed to update user ' + username + ': ' + r.text)
print('Updated user ' + username)
def main():
# Fetch existing users
r = requests.get(GITEA_API_URL + '/admin/users',
headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + API_TOKEN})
if r.status_code != 200:
raise Exception('Failed to get users: ' + r.text)
for user in r.json():
existing_users[user['login']] = user
# Read the file, add each user
with open("/tmp/passwd-import", 'r') as f:
# Reads out a passwd-file line for line, and filters out
# real PVV users (as opposed to system users meant for daemons and such)
def passwd_file_parser(passwd_path):
with open(passwd_path, 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
uid = int(line.split(':')[2])
if uid < 1000:
@ -86,8 +112,86 @@ def main():
username = line.split(':')[0]
name = line.split(':')[4].split(',')[0]
yield (username, name)
add_user(username, name)
# This function either creates a new user in gitea
# and fills it out with some default information if
# it does not exist, or ensures that the default information
# is correct if the user already exists. All user information
# (including non-default fields) is pulled from gitea and added
# to the `existing_users` dict
def add_or_patch_gitea_user(
username: str,
name: str,
existing_users: dict[str, dict[str, any]],
) -> None:
user = {
"full_name": name,
"username": username,
"login_name": username,
"source_id": 1, # 1 = SMTP
if username not in existing_users:
user["password"] = secrets.token_urlsafe(32)
user["must_change_password"] = False
user["visibility"] = "private"
user["email"] = username + '@' + EMAIL_DOMAIN
if not gitea_create_user(username, user):
print('Created user', username)
existing_users[username] = user
user["visibility"] = existing_users[username]["visibility"]
if not gitea_edit_user(username, user):
print('Updated user', username)
# This function adds a user to a gitea team (part of organization)
# if the user is not already part of said team.
def ensure_gitea_user_is_part_of_team(
username: str,
org: str,
team_name: str,
) -> None:
teams = gitea_list_teams_for_organization(org)
if teams is None:
if team_name not in teams:
print(f'ERR: could not find team "{team_name}" in organization "{org}"')
gitea_add_user_to_organization_team(username, teams[team_name]['id'])
print(f'User {username} is now part of {org}/{team_name}')
# List of teams that all users should be part of by default
("Projects", "Members"),
("Kurs", "Members"),
def main():
existing_users = gitea_list_all_users()
if existing_users is None:
for username, name in passwd_file_parser("/tmp/passwd-import"):
print(f"Processing {username}")
add_or_patch_gitea_user(username, name, existing_users)
for org, team_name in COMMON_USER_TEAMS:
ensure_gitea_user_is_part_of_team(username, org, team_name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ gitea:
email-password: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:KRwC+aL1aPvJuXt91Oq1ttATMnFTnuUy,iv:ats8TygB/2pORkaTZzPOLufZ9UmvVAKoRcWNvYF1z6w=,tag:Do0fA+4cZ3+l7JJyu8hjBg==,type:str]
passwd-ssh-key: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:L0lF0wvpayss1NU9m3A45cH0bCMQzODTFVrq6EPd1JHx54wIcoaRBYLmxXKXASzBlCg9zlwXMUIk3OQcS3kdzMKL0iqcSL2iicAcKjFIHyrWLqXgwV5pRSP/tRPcVw8KW8gz0bh33EgESs5ReddZ3VZ0Cy1s2YupMRQvBXr89k1+Hv70OWB6P06hvxhv/zKcMGI1N/dWLroMgrQuT9imw4+/Q1RqwzTYeEU+eUn24AM9GjcBg4qf3OI+6g0nXUat/upIYE28iF5J3lbUSmDSmirBLc8xgHLdOyyJPTObWYWYxlSL78T7IqiMm9lI3rtBlpJDDcn/YxZpVqN5bg2154GISNK+uR0TVSLdJ+drdGHIfIX3G78XSxf2L9rbJyRn8MQlgStfdBIQicLavQKVMrmj+XQfvEMez23WbPLjH4oViBQFI+GrOHOGy/f16cz8Sn4n+69OcsOeTxs3tKYdfq6r1XLYSJ/fe/zvxBpaZiyGXljsuyEdIyBL2A8D6uSXe3Nd3/DAdBtceFfIdN1olCdutixzVWgxaJnrel161z5A/4w=,iv:Uy46yY3jFYSvpxrgCHxRMUksnWfhf5DViLMvCXVMMl4=,tag:wFEJ5+icFrOKkc56gY0A5g==,type:str]
ssh-known-hosts: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:zlRLoelQeumMxGqPmgMTB69X1RVWXIs2jWwc67lk0wrdNOHUs5UzV5TUA1JnQ43RslBU92+js7DkyvE5enGzw7zZE5F1ZYdGv/eCgvkTMC9BoLfzHzP6OzayPLYEt3xJ5PRocN8JUAD55cuu4LgsuebuydHPi2oWOfpbSUBKSeCh6dvk5Pp1XRDprPS5SzGLW8Xjq98QlzmfGv50meI9CDJZVF9Wq/72gkyfgtb3YVdr,iv:AF06TBitHegfWk6w07CdkHklh4ripQCmA45vswDQgss=,tag:zKh7WVXMJN2o9ZIwIkby3Q==,type:str]
import-user-env: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:vfaqjGEnUM9VtOPvBurz7nFwzGZt3L2EqijrQej4wiOcGCrRA4tN6kBV6NmhHqlFPsw=,iv:viPGkyOOacCWcgTu25da4qH7DC4wz2qdeC1W2WcMUdI=,tag:BllNqGQoaxqUo3lTz9LGnw==,type:str]
import-user-env: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:wArFwTd0ZoB4VXHPpichfnmykxGxN8y2EQsMgOPHv7zsm6A+m2rG9BWDGskQPr5Ns9o=,iv:gPUzYFSNoALJb1N0dsbNlgHIb7+xG7E9ANpmVNZURQ0=,tag:JghfRy2OcDFWKS9zX1XJ9A==,type:str]
alpha: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:gARxCufePz+EMVwEwRsL2iZUfh9HUowWqtb7Juz3fImeeAdbt+k3DvL/Nwgegg==,iv:3fEaWd7v7uLGTy2J7EFQGfN0ztI0uCOJRz5Mw8V5UOU=,tag:Aa6LwWeW2hfDz1SqEhUJpA==,type:str]
beta: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:DVjS78IKWiWgf+PuijCZKx4ZaEJGhQr7vl+lc7QOg1JlA4p9Kux/tOD8+f2+jA==,iv:tk3Xk7lKWNdZ035+QVIhxXy2iJbHwunI4jRFM4It46E=,tag:9Mr6o//svYEyYhSvzkOXMg==,type:str]
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ sops:
lastmodified: "2024-08-13T19:49:24Z"
mac: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:AeJ53D+8A8mHYRmVHdqhcS1ZTbqVe5gQqJsJjMk4T/ZlNX8/V4M9mqAW2FB9m/JSdj234gDu+PBHcW70ZrCqeVsoUW/ETVgUX3W2gBmBgYJiRETp8I7/eks/5YEV6vIIxQsZNP/9dZTNX4T2wD74ELl23NSTXA/6k2tyzBlTMYo=,iv:DABafHvw+5w0PHCKqLgpwmQnv0uHOTyj+s8gdnHFTZ4=,tag:SNZ7W+6zdyuuv2AB9ir8eg==,type:str]
lastmodified: "2024-08-26T19:38:58Z"
mac: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:3FyfZPmJ7znQEul+IwqN1ZaM53n6os3grquJwJ9vfyDSc2h8UZBhqYG+2uW9Znp9DSIjuhCUI8iqGKRJE0M/6IDICeXms/5+ynVFOS9bA2cdzPvWaj0FFAd2x3g4Vhs47+vRlsnIe/tMiKU3IOvzOfI6KAUHc9L2ySrzH7z2+fo=,iv:1iZSR9qOIEtf+fNbtWSwJBIUEQGKadfHSVOnkFzOwq8=,tag:Sk6JEU1B6Rd1GXLYC6rQtQ==,type:str]
- created_at: "2024-08-04T00:03:28Z"
enc: |-
Reference in New Issue
Block a user