export CONFIG_DIR="$HOME/.config/sketchybar" source "$CONFIG_DIR/colors.sh" # Loads all defined colors source "$CONFIG_DIR/icons.sh" # Loads all defined icons ITEM_DIR="$CONFIG_DIR/items" # Directory where the items are configured PLUGIN_DIR="$CONFIG_DIR/plugins" FONT="Hack Nerd Font" # Needs to have Regular, Bold, Semibold, Heavy and Black variants PADDINGS=3 # All paddings use this value (icon, label, background) # Setting up and starting the helper process # HELPER=git.felix.helper # killall helper # (cd $CONFIG_DIR/helper && make) # $CONFIG_DIR/helper/helper $HELPER > /dev/null 2>&1 & # Unload the macOS on screen indicator overlay for volume change #launchctl unload -F /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.OSDUIHelper.plist > /dev/null 2>&1 & # Setting up the general bar appearance of the bar bar=( height=40 color=$BAR_COLOR border_width=2 border_color=$BAR_BORDER_COLOR shadow=off position=top sticky=on padding_right=10 padding_left=10 margin=0 topmost=window ) sketchybar --bar "${bar[@]}" # Setting up default values defaults=( updates=when_shown icon.font="$FONT:Bold:14.0" icon.color=$ICON_COLOR icon.padding_left=$PADDINGS icon.padding_right=$PADDINGS label.font="$FONT:Semibold:13.0" label.color=$LABEL_COLOR label.padding_left=$PADDINGS label.padding_right=$PADDINGS padding_right=$PADDINGS padding_left=$PADDINGS background.height=26 background.corner_radius=9 background.border_width=2 popup.background.border_width=2 popup.background.border_color=$POPUP_BORDER_COLOR popup.background.color=$POPUP_BACKGROUND_COLOR popup.blur_radius=20 popup.background.shadow.drawing=on scroll_texts=on ) sketchybar --default "${defaults[@]}" # Left source "$ITEM_DIR/apple.sh" source "$ITEM_DIR/spaces.sh" source "$ITEM_DIR/yabai.sh" source "$ITEM_DIR/front_app.sh" # Center source "$ITEM_DIR/spotify.sh" # source "$ITEM_DIR/media.sh" # Right source "$ITEM_DIR/calendar.sh" source "$ITEM_DIR/wifi.sh" source "$ITEM_DIR/battery.sh" source "$ITEM_DIR/volume.sh" # source "$ITEM_DIR/cpu.sh" sketchybar --hotload on # Forcing all item scripts to run (never do this outside of sketchybarrc) sketchybar --update # vi: ft=bash